New Publication: "BEEweb: A Multi-Domain Platform for Reciprocal Peer-Driven Tutoring Systems"

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Bader-Natal, A. and Pollack, J. BEEweb: A Multi-Domain Platform for Reciprocal Peer-Driven Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer, 2006.
Abstract Draft PDF Draft PDF Springer Springer

Tutoring systems that engage each student as both a tutee and a tutor can be powerfully enhanced by motivating each tutor to try to appropriately challenge their tutee. The BEEweb platform is presented as a foundation upon which to build such systems, based upon the Reciprocal Tutoring protocol and the Teacher's Dilemma. Three systems that have recently been built on the BEEweb platform are introduced.