Building four communities for learning, tinkering, and remixing with code

Building four communities for learning, tinkering, and remixing with code

      Filed under: Sketchpad   
Originally posted on the Sketchpad blog external link

I’m excited to be participating in a panel discussion at the Digital Media and Learning conference in March to talk about Studio Sketchpad and to publicly compare notes with three very talented people who have been instrumental in creating other web-based communities for learning, tinkering, and remixing with code. Andrés Monroy-Hernández (now of Microsoft Research) will be talking about Scratch Online and Kodu Game Lab, J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira (Learning Unlimited & What Will You Learn?) will be talking about the origin of AppJet, and Shelly Farnham (Microsoft Research) will be talking about peer learning projects at Microsoft Research FUSE Labs. Here’s the gist:

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